Pain Treatment
Pain is an unpleasant sensation that encompasses all of a person's past experiences and can originate from anywhere in the body, whether organic or not. Today, pain is divided into two groups. The first is acute pain, which appears as a harbinger of various diseases. It is often the precursor of tissue damage in the body. Acute pain is an important part of the body's alarm system. The second group of pain is chronic pain. Chronic pain is pain that lasts longer than 6 months (in some cases, longer than 3 months) and is no longer an alarm system. Chronic pain is not a harbinger of disease, but rather the problem itself.
The painful patient should be evaluated in detail using all the possibilities of medicine, and various laboratory tests and radiological examinations should be applied if necessary. Research has shown that more than 90% of all pain types can be relieved with the right pain reliever medication. In cases where pain relievers are not effective or sufficient, physical therapy methods according to the source of the pain, surgical operations or interventional pain treatment methods in pain treatment centers are applied. At this point, the correct approach is to determine the most suitable treatment method for the patient and ensure that the patient reaches the correct treatment without losing time.