Joint Health
Joint pain can make even the simplest daily activities difficult. Even the pain in a single joint can harm your entire body. For example, painful neck can put pressure on your shoulders by preventing you from turning your head properly. Painful knee can cause you to walk in a way that affects your hips, back, and feet. So, what should we pay attention to keep our joints strong and healthy?
Keep Moving!
The first rule of joint health is to move! The more you move, the stronger your joints will become and the less risk of injury you will have. Whether you are reading, working, or watching television, change your position frequently. Stand up from your desk or chair, take a break, and move.
Lose Excess Weight!
Your body weight affects some of the tension in your hips, knees, and back. Even losing a few pounds can support your joint health. Every pound you lose reduces the pressure on your knees. If you have excess weight, you can support your joint health by losing those pounds.
Stretch Before Exercise!
Flexibility helps you move better. Try to stretch at least three times a week, every day. But don't do it when your muscles are cold. First, warm up for 10 minutes with a light activity like walking to loosen the joints, ligaments, and tendons around them.
Stretching and strengthening exercises are crucial because they stabilize the joints. Add abdominal, back, and hip strengthening exercises to your routine. Pilates and yoga are great exercises that can be tried.
It is normal to have some muscle pain after exercising. However, if you experience pain for more than 48 hours, you may have overdone it. Do not exert yourself too much next time; trying to overcome the pain can cause injury or damage.
Keep Your Bones Strong, Eat Well!
Calcium and vitamin D can help keep your bones strong. Dairy products are the best source of calcium, but leafy green vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage are also rich in vitamins.
The Anti-Inflammatory Diet is a proven way of eating that reduces inflammation that causes disease in the entire body, including the joints. You should stay away from processed foods that worsen inflammation.
Correct Your Posture!
A hunchback posture is not good for your joints. Standing straight and sitting upright protect your joints from your neck to your knees. Good posture also helps protect your hip joints and back muscles.
Lighten Your Load!
Pay attention to your joints when lifting and carrying weights. Your posture is also important during lifting and carrying. For example, if you are using a backpack, carry it over both shoulders rather than one. Being disproportionate puts more pressure on your joints. When lifting weights, use the largest muscles in your body: bend your knees instead of bending your back.
You Can Take Collagen Supplements!
To support your joint health, you can take collagen supplements...