Foot Analysis
Two different measurements are made on the person, thanks to a special computer program, while standing still and moving. As a result, pressure distribution occurring on the foot is observed. A disorder in the foot structure negatively affects daily life, sports activities, posture, and balance. A personalized insole is produced for that person according to the results of the foot analysis in terms of the person's foot structure, daily activities, and sport. Structural disorders such as flat feet, high arches are determined with foot analysis, especially in adults.
Foot analysis is also of great importance in children as in adults. Although preventing discomfort detected during children's developmental period is always easier, it is recommended to have it done every year after the age of 3.
What we aim with foot analysis;
Determination of excessive pressure zones and transition to treatment process
Detection of disorders such as walking, stepping
To be decisive for personalized insole
Diagnosis of body asymmetry
Detection of ankle-related disorders and discomforts