Athlete Surgery
What is Sports Surgery?
It is a branch of orthopedics and traumatology that deals with injuries, particularly those that occur during sports or in professional athletes. Many injuries or damages that occur in athletes are treated by sports surgery. It is a field of orthopedics and traumatology that uses extensive techniques to treat injuries in joints, muscles, and the skeletal system. With sports surgery, patients can be treated more quickly and effectively.
What Diseases Does Sports Surgery Deal With?
Sports surgery deals with all diseases related to sports injuries that require surgical intervention. There are certain diseases that can occur in anyone who engages in amateur or professional sports. These diseases, which are also caused by incorrect movements, include:
Muscle and tendon injuries
Soft tissue and ligament trauma
Meniscus tear
Cartilage injuries
Shoulder joint injuries
Elbow joint injuries
Knee injuries
These types of diseases are treated by orthopedic and traumatology specialists. Typically, arthroscopic treatment, or closed surgery, is used to treat these diseases. However, open surgery may also be necessary in some cases.
What Are the Treatment Methods for Sports Surgery?
High-intensity physical activities during sports can lead to many injuries in the human body. Depending on the type of injury, various treatment methods are available for sports injuries. In addition to medication and injection treatments, arthroscopic treatments, which are closed surgical treatment methods, are also used for sports injuries.
Sports Surgery and Arthroscopic Treatment
Not all injuries that occur in athletes require surgical intervention. Injuries that require surgical intervention are treated with arthroscopic treatment methods used in sports surgery. Treatment methods can be provided not only with arthroscopic treatment but also with open surgical treatment.
What is Arthroscopy and How is it Performed?
Arthroscopy is a surgical method that allows the inside of the joints to be examined visually through fiberoptic devices. Arthroscopic treatment enables the diagnosis of injuries that occur in the joint and facilitates treatment. It is also referred to as looking inside the joint. The device used in this procedure is called an arthroscope.
Depending on the joint where the arthroscopy procedure will be performed, small incisions are made in the skin as needed to see inside the joint in detail, and the instruments required for the procedure are inserted into the joint. The joints are monitored from a monitor, and all structures are carefully examined. After the arthroscopy procedure, pain relievers may be given to prevent pain, or sometimes a drain may be placed to remove any fluid that may have accumulated inside the joint.
When is Arthroscopy Performed?
Knee joint:
Repair of anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments
Repair of meniscus tears or removal of torn meniscus fragments
Cartilage transplantation
Separation of cartilage fragments
Treatment of osteoarthritis
Treatment of joint inflammation
Opening of restricted movements
Opening of restricted shoulder movements
Muscle compression and tearing
Recurrent shoulder dislocations
Early stage osteoarthritis
Intra-articular fractures
Early stage osteoarthritis
Meniscoid lesion